
[Enter name and address of prospective employee]

[Enter date]

Subject to contract

Dear [insert name of employee],

I write to confirm the Company’s offer of employment as [insert job title] on the terms set out in the enclosed contract of employment.

Conditions of offer
This offer is conditional upon and subject to you:

1. commencing employment on or before [insert date];
2. providing two references which are satisfactory to the Company. If you haven’t already done so, please provide the names and addresses of two referees, one of whom should be your most recent employer. By providing these details, you agree to us contacting the referees immediately;
3. [producing a current, valid driving licence for inspection by the Company;]
4. [passing a Disclosure and Barring Service check;]
5. providing satisfactory evidence of your right to work in the UK from List A or List B in the Schedule to the Immigration (Restrictions on Employment) Order 2007 (as amended), or if relevant the Accession (Immigration and Worker Authorisation) Regulations 2006 (as amended), to be checked by us in your presence and copied. If you provide a document or documents from List B in the Schedule to the Immigration (Restrictions on Employment) Order 2007 (as amended), your continued employment will be subject to repeat checks as required by law or, if required by us, more frequently. You agree that we may at any time contact the Home Office to verify that you have the right to live and work in the UK;
6. not breaching any obligations you owe to any third party, including but not limited to restrictive covenants or post termination restrictions agreed by you with a former employer. If you are in any doubt about this you should seek independent legal advice before accepting this offer;
7. being medically fit to undertake the duties of the position offered to you and demonstrating this by passing a medical examination by a medical practitioner of the Company’s choice and, if the Company requires, providing consent for the Company and the Company’s medical practitioner to access your medical records;
8. producing all certificates and qualifications you claim to hold for the Company’s inspection. The company may retain copies;
9. signing and returning two copies of the enclosed contract to me by [insert date].

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,