Family friendly policies

Maternity leave and pay policy

    1. Maternity Leave
      • All Employees who are employees and provide the correct notice (see below), regardless of their
        length of service, are entitled to 52 weeks Maternity Leave. Payment is made either at the
        Maternity Allowance (MA) or the Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) rate.
    2. Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)
      • Employees with at least 26 weeks continuous service at the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth (known as the Qualifying Week or QW) and whose average earnings are at least as much as the lower earnings limit for National Insurance contributions qualify for SMP. It is the Company’s responsibility to determine whether or not an Employee qualifies for SMP.
      • SMP amounts to 6 weeks at 90% of your average salary plus 33 weeks at the lesser of (i) the
        Employee’s salary and (ii) the figure specified by the Department for Work and Pensions (please
        contact HR for further information).
      • Any maternity leave in excess of 39 week SMP period is unpaid (i.e., Additional Maternity Leave
        from week 40 up to the statutory maximum of 52 weeks).
      • SMP usually starts when you take maternity leave. However, your SMP will start automatically if
        you’re off work for a pregnancy-related illness in the 4 weeks before the week (Sunday to
        Saturday) that your baby is due.
    3. Maternity Allowance
      • Employees with less than 26 weeks continuous service by the Qualifying Week may be eligible to
        claim Maternity Allowance at the rate specified by the Department for Work and Pensions (and
        possibly other benefits) for the 26 weeks for Ordinary Maternity Leave. Further information is
        available through local social security offices or Jobcentres. Maternity Allowance must be
        claimed through the Benefits Agency.

    1. All benefits (except wage or salary) continue to accrue during your Maternity Leave.

    1. All pregnant Employees are entitled to reasonable time off for antenatal care. Antenatal care is not
      restricted to medical examinations but can also include relaxation classes and parent craft classes.
    2. Except for the first appointment, the Employee must be prepared to produce:
      • a certificate from a registered medical practitioner, registered midwife or registered health
        visitor confirming pregnancy; and
      • an appointment card or some other documentation showing that an appointment has been made.

    1. Pregnant Employees will be required to inform their Line Manager of their intention to take maternity
      leave by the 15th week before the baby is due unless this is not reasonably practicable. The following
      information should be provided in writing:

      • confirmation of pregnancy;
      • the date the baby is expected to be born, (or the expected week of childbirth (“EWC”); and
      • when maternity leave is to start.
    2. A copy of the maternity certificate (Mat B1) must be enclosed with this letter, which would normally be
      signed by the GP or Midwife at some point following the 20th week of pregnancy. If necessary, a copy may
      be requested from the GP or Midwife, as this provides employer with formal confirmation of pregnancy.
    3. Employees have the right to alter the date maternity leave is to start, providing that they give at
      least 28 days’ notice (unless this is not reasonably practicable).
    4. The Employer will respond to requests to take maternity leave within 28 days, setting out the date on
      which the individual is expected to return to work based on her taking the full entitlement to maternity

    1. The earliest date on which maternity leave can start is the 11th week before the expected week of childbirth (“EWC”).
    2. If a pregnant Employee is absent from work with a pregnancy related illness within 4 weeks of the start of the EWC, the maternity leave period will automatically commence on the first day of the absence. If the baby is premature and is born before the maternity leave period is due to commence, the maternity leave period will automatically start on the day the baby is born.
    3. Employees should inform their Line Manager, in writing, as soon as is reasonably practicable that any absence is wholly or partly due to pregnancy, in order to ensure that all relevant rights are preserved.
    4. If a pregnant Employee is absent from work within four weeks of the start of the EWC with a non-pregnancy related illness, maternity leave is unaffected and the normal sickness absence rules apply.

    1. You will be allowed to work up to a maximum of 10 days without losing SMP. These days will be called Keeping in touch days (KIT). If you work more than 10 days, you will lose one week’s SMP for each week or part week that you work under your contract for the employer paying your SMP.
    2. KIT days will be paid at the rate specified on the Employees Contract of Employment.
    3. Any days that are worked do not have the effect of extending the total duration of the leave period. SMP is not affected and will continue to be paid out but will count towards the contractual pay.

    1. We will assume that you will take all 52 weeks of your Statutory Maternity Leave. If you take the full
      52 weeks, you don’t need to give notice that you are coming back. However, we would encourage you to do
    2. Employees who wish to return to work at the end of the total maternity leave period (i.e., Ordinary plus
      Additional Maternity Leave) are not required to inform The Employer of their intention to do so. It will
      be assumed that, unless their Line Manager is informed otherwise, Employees intend to return from
      maternity leave at the end of the Additional Maternity Leave.
    3. Employees who wish to return to work at any time before the end of Ordinary Maternity Leave (or if they
      are entitled to it before the end of Additional Maternity Leave) must give 8 weeks written notice of the
      date on which they intend to return.
    4. If an Employee does not provide 8 weeks’ notice of her intention to return to work before the end of
      Ordinary or Additional Maternity Leave, The Employer may choose to delay the return to work until 8
      weeks’ notice has been given.
    5. Employees may not return to work for 2 weeks following childbirth.
    6. If an Employee is unable to return to work at the end of Additional Maternity Leave due to illness,
      normal sickness absence rules will apply.

    1. All Employees have the right not to be subjected to unfair treatment as a result of pregnancy or because
      they have taken maternity leave. This right starts as soon as their Line Manager is informed of the
      pregnancy and lasts up until the end of maternity leave period.

    1. Employees on maternity leave will continue to accrue annual leave.

    1. When returning to work after Ordinary Maternity Leave (the first 26 weeks of your Statutory Maternity
      Leave), you have a right to the same job and the same terms and conditions as if you hadn’t been away.
    2. This also applies when you come back after Additional Maternity Leave (the last 26 weeks of your
      statutory Maternity Leave). However, if it is not reasonably practical to return to your original job
      (for example, because the job no longer exists) you do not have the same right. In that case, you will
      be offered alternative work with terms and conditions.

Paternity leave and pay policy


    1. What is paternity leave?
      • You might be eligible for:
        • 1 or 2 weeks paid Paternity Leave (“PL”)
        • up to 26 weeks paid Additional Paternity Leave (“APL”), if your child was due or placed
          for adoption before 5 April 2015
        • Shared Parental Leave (“SPL”), if your child was due or placed for adoption on or after
          5 April 2015 (see the Shared Parental Leave policy)
        • You can only take Additional Paternity Leave if your partner returns to work.
        • If your child was due or placed for adoption on or after 5 April 2015 you are not
          entitled to take APL.
    2. Qualifying for PL
      • You will qualify for PL if:
        • you are an employee;
        • you are the biological father of the child or spouse/civil partner/partner of the
          child’s mother or adopter;
        • you have or expect to have responsibility or main responsibility, for the child’s
        • you are taking paternity leave to care for the child or support child’s mother or
          adopter in caring for the child;
        • have been employed continuously with The Employer for 26 weeks by the end of the
          qualifying week (“QW”) which is 15th weeks before the expected week of childbirth or
          notified by the Adoption Agency that they have been matched with a child; and
        • you give the correct notice (see below)
    3. Qualifying for APL
      • You will qualify for APL if, in addition to meeting the qualifying requirements of PL:
        • you remain employed with The Employer until the week before the first week of your APL
          and either
        • the child’s mother has been entitled to maternity leave, statutory maternity pay or
          maternity allowance in respect of her pregnancy and has returned to work; or
        • the child’s adopter has been entitled to adoption leave, statutory adoption pay in
          respect of the child’s adoption and has returned to work; and
        • you give the correct notice (see below)
    4. Statutory Paternity Pay
      • To be entitled to receive statutory paternity pay the Employee’s average weekly earnings in the
        8 weeks up to and including the 15th week before the expected week of confinement must exceed
        the lower earnings limit for National Insurance purposes.
      • If you are not entitled to statutory paternity pay a form will be issued from payroll explaining
        why not. This form can be used to apply for income support.
  2. RATES

    1. Statutory paternity pay shall be paid at the figure specified by the Department for Work and Pensions
      (please contact HR for further information) or at 90% of the Employee’s average salary if the amount is
    2. In respect of statutory paternity pay during APL, the child’s mother or your co-adopter must have
      returned to work without having at least 2 weeks of their maternity allowance, statutory maternity pay,
      or statutory adoption pay left. Your entitlement to statutory paternity pay will equate to the number of
      weeks of remaining maternity allowance, statutory maternity pay or statutory adoption pay when the
      child’s mother or your co-adopter returned to work.
    3. Any Additional Paternity Leave taken after the end of your partner’s Statutory Maternity Pay, Maternity
      Allowance or Statutory Adoption Pay period is unpaid.

    1. For PL
      • An Employee may take one week or two consecutive weeks. Leave cannot start before the birth. You
        are not entitled to take two separate one week periods of leave or a period of leave that is
        less than one week.
      • A week is the same amount of days as an Employee normally works in a week. You receive the same
        amount of leave if your partner has multiple births.
      • PL can commence on any day after the child is born or placed for adoption and must be taken
        within 56 days of the child’s birth or placement. If the child is born prematurely, PL can be
        taken up to 56 days after the first day of the expected week of childbirth.
      • Employees are encouraged to discuss this with their Line Manager, but, in any event, The
        Employer will try to accommodate the Employee’s preference.
    2. For APL
      • (“APL”) can be taken as a minimum of 2 weeks up to a maximum of 26 weeks (depending on how much
        unused leave your partner has) if your partner has returned to work and must be taken in
        multiples of complete weeks and as one period.
      • APL must be taken in the period beginning 20 weeks after the child’s birth or placement and
        ending 12 months after that date of birth or adoption.
      • Employees are encouraged to discuss this with their Line Manager, but, in any event, The
        Employer will try to accommodate the Employee’s preference.

    1. For PL
      • Birth
        • The Employee’s Line Manager must be notified of an Employee’s intention to take PL no
          later than the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth. This should be done
          using the form SC3, available from payroll. The Employee must inform The Employer of:

          • the baby’s due date
          • when you want your leave to start (e.g., the day of the birth or the week after
            the birth)
          • if they want 1- or 2-weeks’ leave
        • Where such notification is not reasonably practicable, for example, where the child is
          born prematurely, the Employee should notify their Line Manager as soon as practicable.
        • You don’t have to give a precise date when you want to take leave (e.g., 1 February). Instead, you can give the general time (e.g., the day of the birth or 1 week after the birth).
      • Adoption
        • The Employee’s Line Manager must be notified within 7 days of being informed by the Agency that they have been matched with a child. This should be done using the form SC4, available from payroll. Where this is not reasonably practicable, for example, where a child is placed with an Employee at short notice, the Employee should notify their Line Manager as soon as reasonably practicable.
        • Employees should take particular care to ensure that the information contained in the forms is accurate.
      • Variation of Notice
        • An Employee can vary the date of commencement of PL provided that written notification is provided to their Line Manager 28 days before the date on which PL was originally intended to begin. Again, where the ircumstances mean that an Employee was not able to give this length of notice, the Line Manager should be notified of the variation as soon as reasonably practicable.
    2. For APL
      • Birth
        • The Employee’s Line Manager must be notified in writing of an Employee’s intention to
          take (“APL”) at least 8 weeks before you would like to start. The Employee must complete
          form SC7, available from payroll. The Employee must also give their Line Manager a
          written ‘mother declaration’ from the child’s mother detailing her return-to-work date
          and the amount of SMP (if applicable) and leave outstanding to her.
      • Adoption
        • The Employee’s Line Manager must be notified in writing of an Employee’s intention to take (“APL”) at least 8 weeks before you would like to start it. The Employee must complete from SC8 or SC9, available from payroll. The Employee must also give their Line Manager a written ‘adopter declaration’ from the child’s co-adopter detailing their return-to-work date and the amount of SMP (if applicable) and leave outstanding to them.
        • Within 28 days of receipt of your leave notice The Employer will request from you:
          • a copy of the child’s birth certificate; or
          • documentary evidence issued by the adoption agency that matched you with the child and confirms the name and address of the adoption agency, the date on which you were notified that you had been atched with child and the date the agency expected to place the child with you.
          • the name and address of the mother’s/adopter’s employer or business address if they are self-employed.
        • You have 28 days to provide The Employer with this information.
        • The Employer will write to confirm the start and finish dates of your APL within 28 days of receiving your leave notice form and the mother’s/adopter’s declaration.
      • Variation of Notice
        • An Employee can vary the start date and/or end date of their APL provided that written notification is provided to their Line Manager 6 weeks before the date on which their original APL was intended to begin. Again, where the circumstances mean that an Employee was not able to give this length of notice, the Line Manager should be notified of the variation as soon as reasonably practicable.

    • When the Employee is on PL /APL they will continue to be:
      • entitled to the benefit of the terms and conditions of employment (excluding wages and salary) which would have applied had the employee not been absent; and
      • bound by any obligations arising under these terms and conditions that are not inconsistent with the right to take PLAPL.

    • Employees on paternity leave will continue to accrue annual leave.

    • You will be allowed to work up to a maximum of 10 days without losing statutory paternity pay. These
      days will be called Keeping in touch days (KIT). If you work more than 10 days, you will lose one week’s
      statutory paternity pay for each week or part week that you work under your contract for the employer
      paying your statutory paternity pay.
    • KIT days will be paid at the rate specified on the Employees Contract of Employment or as agreed with
      the Company.
    • Any days that are worked do not have the effect of extending the total duration of the leave period.
      Statutory paternity pay is not affected and will continue to be paid out but will count towards the
      contractual pay.
    • When you return to work after 26 weeks or less of PL and/or APL, you have a right to the same job and
      the same terms and conditions as if you hadn’t been away. This protection also applies where you take up
      to four weeks’ parental leave in addition to your Additional Paternity Leave.
    • Where you have taken more leave than this, you should also return to the same job with the same terms
      and conditions unless it is not reasonably practicable for you to return to your original job. You will
      then be offered suitable alternative work.
    • An Employee can take unpaid leave to accompany a pregnant woman to 2 antenatal appointments if they’re:
      • the baby’s father
      • the expectant mother’s spouse or civil partner
      • in a long-term relationship with the expectant mother
      • the intended parent (if you’re having a baby through a surrogacy arrangement)
    • The Employee can take up to 6 and a half hours per appointment.
    • You can apply for leave immediately if you’re a permanent employee. You’ll need to have been doing a job
      for 12 weeks before you qualify if you’re an agency worker.

Shared parental leave policy

    1. This policy outlines the arrangements for shared parental leave and pay in relation to the birth or
      adoption of a child.
    2. This policy applies to employees. It does not apply to agency workers or self-employed contractors.
    3. This policy does not form part of an Employee’s contract of employment and we may amend it at any time.
    1. The definitions in this paragraph apply in this policy.
    2. Expected week of childbirth (EWC): the week, beginning on a Sunday, in which the doctor or midwife
      expects your child to be born.
    3. Parent: One of two people who will share the main responsibility for the child’s upbringing (and who may
      be either the mother, the father, or the mother’s partner if not the father).
    4. Partner: your spouse, civil partner or someone living with you in an enduring family relationship, but
      not your sibling, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew.
    5. Qualifying Week: the fifteenth week before the EWC.
    1. Shared parental leave (SPL) is a form of leave that may be available if your child is expected to be
      born (or placed for adoption) on or after 5 April 2015.
    2. It gives you and your partner more flexibility in how to share the care of your child in the first year
      after birth or adoption than simply taking maternity and paternity leave. Assuming you are both
      eligible, you will be able to choose how to split the available leave between you and can decide to be
      off work at the same time or at different times. You may be able to take leave in more than one block.
    1. You are entitled to SPL in relation to the birth or adoption of a child if:
      • you are the child’s mother, and share the main responsibility for the care of the child with the
        child’s father or with your partner;
      • you are the child’s father and share the main responsibility for the care of the child with the
        child’s mother; or
      • you are the mother’s partner and share the main responsibility for the care of the child with
        the mother (where the child’s father does not share the main responsibility with the mother).
    2. The following conditions must also be fulfilled:
      • you must have at least 26 weeks continuous employment with us by the end of the Qualifying Week,
        and still be employed by us in the week before the leave is to be taken;
      • the other parent must have worked (in an employed or self-employed capacity) in at least 26 of
        the 66 weeks before the EWC and had average weekly earnings of at least £30 during 13 of those
        weeks; and
      • you and the other parent must give the necessary statutory notices and declarations as
        summarised below, including notice to end any maternity leave, statutory maternity pay (SMP) or
        maternity allowance (MA) periods.
    3. The total amount of SPL available is 52 weeks, less the weeks spent by the child’s mother on maternity
      leave (or the weeks in which the mother has been in receipt of SMP or MA if she is not entitled to
      maternity leave).
    4. If you are the mother you cannot start SPL until after the compulsory maternity leave period, which
      lasts until two weeks after birth [or four weeks for factory workers].
    5. If you are the child’s father or the mother’s partner, you should consider using your two weeks’
      paternity leave before taking SPL. Once you start SPL you will lose any untaken paternity leave
      entitlement. SPL entitlement is additional to your paternity leave entitlement.
    1. Not less than eight weeks before the date you intend your SPL to start, you must give us a written
      opt-in notice giving:

      • your name and the name of the other parent;
      • if you are the child’s mother, the start and end dates of your maternity leave;
      • if you are the child’s father or the mother’s partner, the start and end dates of the mother’s
        maternity leave, or if she is not entitled to maternity leave, the start and end dates of any
        SMP or MA period;
      • the total SPL available, which is 52 weeks minus the number of weeks’ maternity leave, SMP or MA
        period taken or to be taken;
      • how many weeks of the available SPL will be allocated to you and how many to the other parent
        (you can change the allocation by giving us a further written notice, and you do not have to use
        your full allocation);
      • if you are claiming statutory shared parental pay (ShPP), the total ShPP available, which is 39
        weeks minus the number of weeks of the SMP or MA period taken or to be taken);
      • how many weeks of available ShPP will be allocated to you and how much to the other parent. (You
        can change the allocation by giving us a further written notice, and you do not have to use your
        full allocation);
      • an indication of the pattern of leave you are thinking of taking, including suggested start and
        end dates for each period of leave (see paragraph 9 and paragraph 10 for information on taking
        leave). This indication will not be binding at this stage, but please give as much information
        as you can about your future intentions; and
      • declarations by you and the other parent that you both meet the statutory conditions to enable
        you to take SPL and ShPP.
    1. If you are the child’s mother and want to opt into the SPL scheme, you must give us at least eight
      weeks’ written notice to end your maternity leave (a curtailment notice) before you can take SPL. The
      notice must state the date your maternity leave will end. You can give the notice before or after you
      give birth, but you cannot end your maternity leave until at least two weeks after birth.
    2. You must also give us, at the same time as the curtailment notice, a notice to opt into the SPL scheme
      (see paragraph 5) or a written declaration that the other parent has given their employer an opt-in
      notice and that you have given the necessary declarations in that notice.
    3. The other parent may be eligible to take SPL from their employer before your maternity leave ends,
      provided you have given the curtailment notice.
    4. The curtailment notice is binding and cannot usually be revoked. You can only revoke a curtailment
      notice if maternity leave has not yet ended and one of the following applies:

      • if you realise that neither you nor the other parent are in fact eligible for SPL or ShPP, in
        which case you can revoke the curtailment notice in writing up to eight weeks after it was
      • if you gave the curtailment notice before giving birth, you can revoke it in writing up to six
        weeks after birth; or
      • if the other parent has died.
    5. Once you have revoked a curtailment notice you will be unable to opt back into the SPL scheme, unless
      paragraph 6.4(b) applies.
    1. If you are not the mother, but the mother is still on maternity leave or claiming SMP or MA, you will
      only be able to take SPL once she has either:

      • returned to work;
      • given her employer a curtailment notice to end her maternity leave;
      • given her employer a curtailment notice to end her SMP (if she is entitled to SMP but not
        maternity leave); or
      • given the benefits office a curtailment notice to end her MA (if she is not entitled to
        maternity leave or SMP).
    1. You must also provide on request:
      • A copy of the birth certificate (or if you have not yet obtained a birth certificate, a signed
        declaration of the child’s date and place of birth); and
      • The name and address of the other parent’s employer (or a declaration that they have no
    1. Having opted into the SPL system, you must book your leave by giving us a period of leave notice. This
      may be given at the same time as the opt-in notice or later, provided it is at least eight weeks before
      the start of SPL.
    2. The period of leave notice can either give the dates you want to take leave or, if the child has not
      been born yet, it can state the number of days after birth that you want the leave to start and end.
      This may be particularly useful if you intend to take paternity leave starting on the date of birth and
      wish to take SPL straight afterwards.
    3. Leave must be taken in blocks of at least one week.
    4. If your period of leave notice gives a single continuous block of SPL, you will be entitled to take the
      leave set out in the notice.
    5. If your period of leave notice requests split periods of SPL, with periods of work in between, we will
      consider your request as set out in paragraph 10, below.
    6. You can give up to three period of leave notices. This may enable you to take up to three separate
      blocks of SPL (although if you give a notice to vary or cancel a period of leave this will in most cases
      count as a further period of leave notice; see paragraph 11) .
    1. In general, a period of leave notice should set out a single continuous block of leave. We may be
      willing to consider a period of leave notice where the SPL is split into shorter periods with periods of
      work in between. It is best to discuss this with your manager and HR in good time before formally
      submitting your period of leave notice. This will give us more time to consider the request and
      hopefully agree a pattern of leave with you from the start.
    2. If you want to request split periods of SPL, you must set out the requested pattern of leave in your
      period of leave notice. We will either agree to the request or start a two-week discussion period. At
      the end of that period, we will confirm any agreed arrangements in writing. If we have not reached
      agreement, you will be entitled to take the full amount of requested SPL as one continuous block,
      starting on the start date given in your notice (for example, if you requested three separate periods of
      four weeks each, they will be combined into one 12-week period of leave). Alternatively, you may:

      • choose a new start date (which must be at least eight weeks after your original period of leave
        notice was given), and tell us within five days of the end of the two-week discussion period; or
      • withdraw your period of leave notice within two days of the end of the two-week discussion
        period (in which case the notice will not be counted and you may submit a new one if you
    1. You can cancel a period of leave by notifying us in writing at least eight weeks before the start date
      in the period of leave notice.
    2. You can change the start date for a period of leave by notifying us in writing at least eight weeks
      before the original start date and the new start date.
    3. You can change the end date for a period of leave by notifying us in writing at least eight weeks before
      the original end date and the new end date.
    4. You can combine split periods of leave into a single continuous period of leave by notifying us in
      writing at least eight weeks before the start date of the first period.
    5. You can request that a continuous period of leave be split into two or more discontinuous periods with
      periods of work in between. We will consider any such request as set out in paragraph 10.
    6. A notice to change or cancel a period of leave will count as one of your three period of leave notices,

      • the variation is a result of your child being born earlier or later than the EWC;
      • the variation is at our request; or
      • we agree otherwise.
    1. Where the child is born early (before the beginning of the EWC), you may be able to start SPL in the
      eight weeks following birth even though you cannot give eight weeks’ notice. The following rules apply:

      • If you have given a period of leave notice to start SPL on a set date in the eight weeks
        following the EWC, but your child is born early, you can move the SPL start date forward by the
        same number of days, provided you notify us in writing of the change as soon as you can. (If
        your period of leave notice already contained a start date which was a set number of days after
        birth, rather than a set date, then no notice of change is necessary.)
      • If your child is born more than eight weeks early and you want to take SPL in the eight weeks
        following birth, please submit your opt-in notice and your period of leave notice as soon as you
    1. You may be able to claim Statutory Shared Parental Pay (ShPP) of up to 39 weeks (less any weeks of SMP
      or MA claimed by you or your partner) if you have at least 26 weeks’ continuous employment with us at
      the end of the Qualifying Week and your average earnings are not less than the lower earnings limit set
      by the government each tax year. ShPP is paid by employers at a rate set by the government each year.
    2. You should tell us in your period of leave notice(s) whether you intend to claim ShPP during your leave
      (and if applicable, for what period). If it is not in your period of leave notice you can tell us in
      writing, at least eight weeks before you want ShPP to start.
    1. Your terms and conditions of employment remain in force during SPL, except for the terms relating to
    2. Annual leave entitlement will continue to accrue at the rate provided under your contract. If your SPL
      will continue into the next holiday year, any holiday entitlement that cannot reasonably be taken before
      starting your leave can be carried over [and must be taken immediately before returning to work unless
      your manager agrees otherwise]. You should try to limit carry over to one week’s holiday or less. Carry
      over of more than one week is at your manager’s discretion. Please discuss your holiday plans with your
      manager in good time before starting SPL. All holiday dates are subject to approval by your manager.
    3. If you are a member of the pension scheme, we will make employer pension contributions during any period
      of paid SPL, based on your normal salary, in accordance with the pension scheme rules. Any employee
      contributions you make will be based on the amount of any shared parental pay you are receiving unless
      you inform your line manager that you wish to make up any shortfall.
    1. We may make reasonable contact with you from time to time during your SPL although we will keep this to
      a minimum. This may include contacting you to discuss arrangements for your return to work.
    2. You may ask or be asked to work (including attending training) on up to 20 “keeping-in-touch” days (KIT
      days) during your SPL. This is in addition to any KIT days that you may have taken during maternity
      leave. KIT days are not compulsory and must be discussed and agreed with your line manager.
    3. You will be paid at your normal basic rate of pay for time spent working on a KIT day and this will be
      inclusive of any shared parental pay entitlement. Alternatively, you may agree with your line manager to
      receive the equivalent paid time off in lieu.
    1. If you want to end a period of SPL early, you must give us eight weeks’ written notice of the new return
      date. If have already given us three period of leave notices you will not be able to end your SPL early
      without our agreement.
    2. If you want to extend your SPL, assuming you still have unused SPL entitlement remaining, you must give
      us a written period of leave notice at least eight weeks before the date you were due to return to work.
      If you have already given us three period of leave notices you will not be able to extend your SPL
      without our agreement. You may instead be able to request annual leave or ordinary parental leave
      subject to the needs of the business.
    3. You are normally entitled to return to work in the position you held before starting SPL, and on the
      same terms of employment. However, if it is not reasonably practicable for us to allow you to return
      into the same position, we may give you another suitable and appropriate job on terms and conditions
      that are not less favourable, but only in the following circumstances:

      • if your SPL and any maternity or paternity leave you have taken adds up to more than 26 weeks in
        total (whether or not taken consecutively); or
      • if you took SPL consecutively with more than four weeks of ordinary parental leave.
    4. If you decide you do not want to return to work you should give notice of resignation in accordance with
      your contract.

Adoption leave and pay policy

    1. To qualify, you must be:
      • To qualify for adoption leave you must be an employee;
      • be newly matched with a child by an approved adoption agency or local authority;
      • comply with notification requirements (see below); and
      • provide evidence of the adoption upon request.
    2. Adoption leave is a ‘day one’ right so employees no longer need to have 26 weeks’ continuous service to
      be eligible.
    3. Adoption leave and pay are not available in circumstances where a child is not newly matched for
      adoption, for example, where the Employee is a stepparent adopting an existing child of the family.
    4. Where a couple adopt jointly, only one partner may take adoption leave. Where an adoptive mother elects
      to take adoption leave, the adoptive father can, if eligible, take paternity leave and/or shared
      parental leave.
    5. Some surrogate parents are eligible for adoption leave. Further clarification can be provided upon
    1. The main adopter will be entitled to paid time off work (up to 6 hours per day) for up to five adoption
      appointments after they have been matched with a child/children. The secondary adopter will be entitled
      to unpaid time off work for up to two appointments.
    1. All eligible Employees are entitled to 52 weeks Adoption Leave. The Employer will assume that the
      Employee will take their full entitlement (i.e., 52 weeks) unless notified to the contrary by the
      Employee. Adoption leave can start:

      • up to 14 days before the date the child starts living with you (UK adoptions)
      • when the child arrives in the UK or within 28 days of this date (overseas adoptions)
      • the day the child’s born or the day after (if you’ve used a surrogate to have a child)
    1. Employees on adoption leave will be entitled to receive SAP during Adoption Leave, where they have
      average weekly earnings of no less than the lower earnings limit for the payment of National Insurance
    2. SAP amounts to 6 weeks at 90% of salary plus 33 weeks at the lesser of (i) the Employee’s salary and
      (ii) the figure specified by the Department for Work and Pensions (please contact your Line Manager for
      further information).
    3. Any adoption leave in excess of 39 weeks SAP period is unpaid.
    1. Employees who have average weekly earnings below the Lower Earnings Limit for National Insurance
      contributions do not qualify for SAP. They should contact their adoption agency, as they may be able to
      receive financial support. Financial support may be available through Housing Benefit, Council Tax
      Benefit or Tax Credits. Further information is available from the local Jobcentre Plus office or Social
      Security office.
    1. All benefits (except wages or salary) continue to accrue during Adoption Leave.
    1. We encourage Employees to discuss with us their plan for adoption as soon as possible in order that we
      can discuss and endeavour to accommodate any time off work required. Adopting Employees will be required
      to notify their Line Manager of their intention to take adoption leave within no more than 7 days of
      being informed by the adoption agency that they have been matched with a child unless this is not
      reasonably practicable. The following information should be provided in writing:

      • the date on which the child is expected to be placed with the Employee; and
      • the date on which the Employee wishes their adoption leave to commence.
    2. A copy of the Matching Certificate from the adoption agency must be enclosed with this notification from
      the Employee as evidence of their entitlement to take adoption leave.
    3. Employees have the right to alter the date adoption leave is to start, providing that they give at least
      28 days’ notice (unless this is not reasonably practicable).
    4. The Employer will respond within 28 days to requests to take adoption leave, setting out the date on
      which the Employee is expected to return to work, based on the full entitlement to adoption leave being
    1. You will be allowed to work up to a maximum of 10 days without losing SAP. These days will be called
      Keeping in touch days (KIT). If you work more than 10 days, you will lose one week’s SAP for each week
      or part week that you work under your contract for the employer paying your SAP.
    2. KIT days will be paid at the rate specified on the Employees Contract of Employment.
    3. Any days that are worked do not have the effect of extending the total duration of the leave period. SAP
      is not affected and will continue to be paid out but will count towards the contractual pay.
    1. Employees who wish to return to work at the end of the statutory adoption leave period are not required
      to inform the Company of their intention to do so. it will be assumed that, unless the Company is
      informed otherwise, Employees intend to return from adoption leave at the end of the 52 weeks.
    2. Employees who wish to return to work at any earlier time must give 8 weeks written notice of the date on
      which they intend to return.
    3. If an Employee does not provide 8 weeks’ notice of their intention to return to work The Employer may
      choose to delay the return to work until 8 weeks’ notice has been given.
    1. All Employees have the right not to be subjected to unfair treatment (up to and including dismissal)
      because they have taken or requested adoption leave. If you consider you have been subject to any unfair
      treatment you are encouraged to implement the Company grievance procedure.
    1. Employees on adoption leave will continue to accrue annual leave during the Adoption Leave period.
    2. Employees are expected to clear any existing annual leave balances prior to the start of adoption leave,
      as annual leave cannot be carried forward from one annual leave year to the next.
    3. There are different rules in the case of overseas adoptions which are not covered here. Further
      information can be provided upon request.

Other parental and dependant leave

  1. Employees that have worked for the Company continuously for at least 52 weeks and are parents of a child under
    the age of 18 years, are entitled to 18 weeks unpaid parental leave for each child, and which may, by agreement,
    be added to normal maternity, paternity, shared parental or adoption leave. Leave must be taken in blocks or
    multiples of one week, and no more than 4 week’s leave can be taken in any one year for any one child.
  2. All employees have the right to reasonable time off to deal with an emergency involving a dependant. This will
    usually be unpaid unless taken as holiday leave, but individual cases will be assessed on their merits.