[name and address of employee]
[insert date]
Request to attend disciplinary or poor performance hearing
Dear [insert name of employee],
Following our recent discussion in which I made you aware of concerns about [insert details], the Company has concluded that these issues are sufficiently serious to require you to attend a disciplinary hearing. [Your suspension on full pay has been reviewed and you may return to work on [insert date which should be the next working day after the letter is received] OR You will remain suspended until the disciplinary hearing in accordance with the terms of the letter informing you of your suspension.]]
[I enclose a copy of the Company’s dismissal and disciplinary procedure for your reference. OR A copy of the Company’s dismissal and disciplinary procedure may be found in [the Company’s staff handbook/specify document].]
The hearing has been arranged for [insert date] at [insert time] and will take place at [insert location]. It is important that you attend the meeting and you are entitled to attend the hearing with your trade union representative or with a work colleague of your choice. That person can either act as your representative and address the meeting, or merely attend as your witness. However, that person cannot answer questions on your behalf. If you would like to be accompanied please let me know by [insert date] and the name of the person who will be accompanying you.
In accordance with the Company’s dismissal and disciplinary procedure the hearing will be conducted by [insert names, job titles and roles in the hearing] whom I can confirm have played no part in the investigatory process.
The specific issues being investigated are: [outline issues or allegations being made against the employee].
At that meeting, we will discuss the issues with you and you will be given the opportunity to respond to them.
The issues to be discussed at the hearing are of a serious nature and if upheld may result in disciplinary action against you up to and including your dismissal.
[I enclose/Before the hearing you will be provided with] copies (or summaries) of the documentation and principal evidence gathered during the investigation, which may include witness statements that can be used at the hearing.
Should you wish to rely on any other documentation please provide copies if possible in advance of the hearing and at the latest at the hearing so that they can be properly considered with all other relevant evidence.
If there is anything which is unclear at the meeting, you should say so immediately. If you think you have not had an opportunity to put your case as fully as you wish, you should also say so.
If you are dissatisfied with any action taken by the Company as a result of the hearing, you will have a right of appeal which will be explained to you in the letter confirming the outcome of the hearing.
Meanwhile, if you have any questions please contact [insert name and job title].
Yours sincerely,
[name of employer’s representative]
For and on behalf of [insert name of the employer]