Letter offer to renew contract of or re engage redundant employee

[name and address of employee]

[insert date]

Offer to renew contract of or re-engage redundant employee

Dear [insert employee’s name],

Following our recent discussions about redundancy [and the notice to terminate your employment sent to you on [insert date]], we are pleased to be able to offer you [your old job back/a new job as [insert job title]] starting from [insert commencement date].

The terms and conditions of your [old/new] employment [will be as before and] are set out in the attached document.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you wish to accept this offer, please sign, date and return to me the attached copy of this letter.

Yours sincerely,


[name of employer’s representative]

For and on behalf of [insert name of the employer]


To: [name of employer]

RE: Offer to renew contract of or re-engage redundant employee

I accept the offer on the terms and conditions set out above.


[insert name]
